Ms. Angel P. T. Chow


Speech Therapist

Member of Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists (HKIST)
Member of The Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists (HKAST)
Master of Science in Educational Speech-Language Pathology & Learning Disabilities (EDUHK)
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies- Latins Honor (UCSD)

- Professional Training
Estill Voice Training (level I & II)
Certified User of Ampcare ESP™ for Dysphagia
Qualified User of the Hong Kong Cantonese Oral Language Assessment Scale
Qualified User of the Hong Kong Cantonese Articulation Test (HKCAT)
Qualified User of the Hong Kong Scales for Assessment of Theory of Mind (HKAToM)
Qualified User of The Hong Kong Test of Preschool Oral Language (TOPOL)
Bricks for Autism LEGO®-Based Therapy Facilitator
Certificate in Facilitator Innovations in Theory of Mind Assessment &
Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Telephone :

Hong Kong:+852 2526 6686

Fax :

Hong Kong:+852 2526 1668

Clinic Location :

Room 302A, 3/F, Tower 1, New World Tower, 16-18 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong

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For any enquiry, please contact us at 2526 8422 or


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